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Everything posted by kyle04

  1. Hi, I need some help with my ip address. I have tried to ping my ip on cmd in run but it looses all the packets in other words as if the ip isnt there. I dont know what to do as i cant sort out my ip and therefore am struggling when trying to create dedicated servers on games etc.. I have been told it has something to do with me being on AOL and therefore i do not get a permenant ip.. PLZ HELP IF THERE IS ANYONE OUT THERE THAT KNOWS WHAT I AM ON ABOUT...
  2. kyle04

    Rainbow six 3 vs Counter-Strike ( for xbox )

    I agree counter strike is by far the better game but only for multiplayer. Rainbow is better for the campain
  3. Im also having the same problem but i can access the internet perfectly ok. Its just that i havn't got a solid ip address and therefore cannot create dedicated servers on online gaming aswell as other things. It also says repair on my network connections box and also fails to renew ip can someone please help me as this is really limiting to what i can do online.