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Everything posted by sam_3002

  1. sam_3002

    Got Gmail?

    Hi Everyone, I'd first like to admit I am a n00b with linux (just downloaded Mandrake 10.1, haven't installed it yet am reading the pre-installation guide from this site) so go easy on me. Just wanted to know if anyone was interested in getting a gmail account, pretty much everyone I know is on gmail and I have 5 invitations left, if there is anyone out there who would like gmail, no strings, just drop me an email sam3002@gmail.com with I WANT GMAIL as the subject. Sam
  2. I am looking for a console terminal to connect to Cisco Devices, I will be running Mandrake 10.1 and need to be comfortable with the terminal as I will be using it every day. I need to be able to change the settings easily. Baud rate and Flow control being the most important. An added bonus would also be being able to see what you have just typed after it has left the main window. (Like with Hyper Terminal Private Edition {Windows XP}) I have done some research and come up with the following that others have recommended: Minicom Kermit CU I have not tested these yet as I am going to spend the whole weekend tearing them apart, if anyone has any comments about the above I would love to hear from you. If anyone has any others to add to this list for me to try I would really appretiate it. Cheers Sam
  3. sam_3002

    Got Gmail?

    All Gmail invites have now gone,