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Everything posted by 13dogs

  1. 13dogs

    Installing new DDR2700

    I was told I could speed up my system a bit by installing a 8meg cashe HD and adding some more memory. I have both, but Im not exactaly sure how to install the memory. I was told after I installed the HD to just move the current memory over one slot and stick the new one in. Is this true? I have 512 in it now and want to add another 512 making it a Gig. dose that sound right? I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
  2. Im running wxp and want to replace my 40G IDE w/the 120G W.D. IDE I just bought.I know how to do the physical installation but Im not sure how to get it up and running and also transfer all my data. Can someone please help me? I have a pen. 1.3 ghz if that makes a differance.