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Everything posted by Wilhelmus

  1. Wilhelmus


    First foo, then bar.
  2. Wilhelmus

    Standby, not available?

    Goto Control Panel -> Power Management -> "Standby" tab -> Check "Enable Standby Mode" box.
  3. If the Windows Firewall is enabled, it can cause problems with SSL. Download other firewall(ZoneAlarm, Kerio, Sygate, etc.) before you turn Windows Firewall off. Or IF you want to use Windows Firewall, drill holes for it. Port to open: 443 TCP & UDP. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/security/internet/sp2_wfintro.mspx
  4. Wilhelmus

    no sound available

    Does the WAV file exists in "c:\windows\media"? Try other sound scheme from the Schemes box. Can you use any other program (e.g. media player, winamp) to play wav,mp3,mid,etc.. ?
  5. Wilhelmus

    95 game won't run in XP

    Check your 'dosbox.conf' file. There should be section called sdl. Change the fullscreen to true. Quote: [sdl] fullscreen = true http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?page=dosbox.conf%2Fsdl
  6. Wilhelmus

    language bar

    Ok... I switched to 2000 Professional, SP4. This system does have the romanian language listed in list.
  7. Wilhelmus

    language bar

    Quote: Configuring Support for Multiple Languages You can add, enable, and configure support for multiple languages by using the Regional Settings tool in Control Panel. To change the default language, follow these steps: 1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. 2. Double-click Regional and Language Options. 3. Click the Languages tab, click Details, and then click Add. 4. Under Input Language, add the language that you want to use. 5. Under Keyboard layout/IME, click the keyboard layout that you want, and then click OK. Note Only users who have administrator permissions on the local computer can configure the following options on the Languages tab in Regional and Language Options: • Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages(Including Thai). • Install files for East Asian Languages.
  8. Wilhelmus

    95 game won't run in XP

    Try these. Quote: Q. What if the sound doesn't work? A. The section in 'dosbox.conf' that relates to the setting up of your sound card looks like this: (The 'dosbox.conf' file is in DosBox installation folder, e.g. c:\dosbox) [sblaster] # type -- Type of sblaster to emulate:none,sb1,sb2,sbpro1,sbpro2,sb16. # base,irq,dma,hdma -- The IO/IRQ/DMA/High DMA address of the SoundBlaster. # mixer -- Allow the SoundBlaster mixer to modify the dosbox mixer. # oplmode -- Type of OPL emulation: auto,cms,opl2,dualopl2,opl3. # On auto the mode is determined by sblaster type. # oplrate -- Sample rate of OPL music emulation. type=sb16 base=220 irq=7 dma=1 hdma=5 mixer=true oplmode=auto # Try tweaking this setting. # (8000, 11025 [telephone quality], 16000, 22050 [radio quality], 32000, 44100 [CD Audio quality]) # E.g. lower it to 16000. oplrate=22050 Another thing that could happen regarding sound is that your PC will normally be utilising full hardware sound acceleration - something that did not even remotely exist back in the good old DOS days. If you suspect this might be a problem, try the following: Start -> Run -> dxdiag.exe Then go to the Sound tab, and knock the 'Hardware Sound Acceleration Level' down a notch or two. Start up DOSBox again, and see if that gets you some sound. Q. What if the sound is stuttering or the video is going too slow? A. The sound is rarely going to be crystal clear because we are not using real sound hardware, remember? But if there are too many 'clicks', or the sound is cutting out, or the video is going too slow in a 3D game and you just keep spinning around when you try to move... then you are probably trying to emulate (sigh) more cycles per millisecond than your machine is capable of handling. There are several things you can try to remedy this problem: 1. You can reduce the number of instructions DOSBox is trying to... execute per millisecond via Ctrl-F11 (use Ctrl-F12 to increase again). Once you get the setting to the way you want it, Alt-Esc out of the game and DOSBox will tell you what the current setting is. You can then enter this value permanently into 'dosbox.conf' via: cycles=? 2. Likewise, you can try skipping video frames via Ctrl-F8 (use Ctrl-F7 to add them back in). Skipping frames will decrease processor requirements at the expense of video quality. You set this value permanently into 'dosbox.conf' via: frameskip=? Quoted from Quandary DOSBox FAQ.
  9. Wilhelmus

    Artificial black hole

    Here is some sci-faction for you all: Eureka! We've made a black hole @ ThisisLondon. Black holes in production in New York @ The Register. Quote: The Ultimate spam filter Where to order?
  10. Wilhelmus

    Freelancer text problem

    1) Adjust the hardware acceleration setting: 1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. 2. Double-click Display. 3. Click the Settings tab, and then click Advanced. 4. Click the Troubleshoot tab. 5. Drag the Hardware acceleration slider bar one step to the left to lower the acceleration level. 6. Continue to lower the Hardware acceleration setting until the issue no longer occurs. 2) Download latest drivers for your card. 3) Try this: Quote: • When you use the Intel 810/815 video adapter, you may experience corruption of text on buttons in the Freelancer game interface. But the game installs and operates with no further issues. To troubleshoot this issue, follow these steps: 1. Locate the program directory in Freelancer. By default, the location is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer 2. Use Notepad to open the FLConfigDatabase.txt file. 3. Scroll to the Intel section that is located towards the bottom of the document. Alternatively, you can search by using "0x8086" (without the quotation marks). 4. Locate the "810" and "815" section. This will look similar to the following: 0x7121 = "810" 0x7123 = "810" 0x7124 = "810e" 0x7125 = "810e" 0x7126 = "810" 0x7127 = "810" 0x1132 = "815" Bad8888 NoMipMap ForceSquareTextures LimitTextureSize 5. Edit this section by removing the "ForceSquareTextures" line. This will look similar to the following: 0x7121 = "810" 0x7123 = "810" 0x7124 = "810e" 0x7125 = "810e" 0x7126 = "810" 0x7127 = "810" 0x1132 = "815" Bad8888 NoMipMap LimitTextureSize 6. Save any changes that you made to the file, and then close the file. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/814551/en-us
  11. Wilhelmus

    95 game won't run in XP

    Start dosbox. Then execute following commands: mount D "E:\" -t cdrom This mounts E: CDROM drive to D: , change E:\ to your primary CD/DVD drive. mount C "C:\" Mounts C:\ to C: so you can access c: Then try run the installation from the mounted D drive. If success and installation starts, install to C: drive. But now the fun begins, you can not run game because it does not recognize CD... Solution: create ISO image from it and mount it from dosbox (Download e.g. Alcohol software for creating iso file from cd). imgmount D "c:\images\tibdawn.iso" -t iso Mounts tibdawn.iso file to D: Then try running the game via dosbox. I also stumbed to this artice while googling: http://www.planetcnc.com/cnc2sw/dos_xp.html Try if those tips help.
  12. Wilhelmus

    windows xp crashes in safe mode?!?! help plz

    Check your Event Viewer for errors. Start->Run: eventvwr.msc Or, try to repair the XP installation. Quote: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315341/en-us To reinstall Windows XP by starting your computer from the Windows XP CD, follow these steps: 1. Insert the Windows XP CD into your computer's CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and then restart your computer. 2. When the "Press any key to boot from CD" message appears on the screen, press a key to start your computer from the Windows XP CD. Note Your computer must be configured to start from the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. For more information about how to configure your computer to start from the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, see your computer's documentation or contact your computer manufacturer. 3. You receive the following message on the Welcome to Setup screen that appears: This portion of the Setup program prepares Microsoft Windows XP to run on your computer: To setup Windows XP now, press ENTER. To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R. To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3. Press ENTER to set up Windows XP. 4. On the Windows XP Licensing Agreement screen, press F8 to agree to the license agreement. 5. Make sure that your current installation of Windows XP is selected in the box, and then press R to repair Windows XP. 6. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to reinstall Windows XP. After you repair Windows XP, you may have to reactivate your copy of Windows XP.
  13. Wilhelmus

    95 game won't run in XP

    Hmm.. try running it from safe mode, incase some other process is causing problems to it. Or if your drive is not formatted to NTFS filesystem, then try download bootdisk image for 98/Me, boot with imaged floppy with CDROM support, and then try install the game. http://www.bootdisk.com/ DO NOT TO THIS IF YOUR DRIVE FILESYSTEM IS NTFS. Or try if Dosbox allows you to install it. http://dosbox.sourceforge.net. Also get D-Fend, which allows easier configuration for dosbox. http://members.home.nl/mabus/dfend.htm
  14. Wilhelmus

    geforce 4mx series?

    According to this:http://www.emachines.com/support/product...amp;model=T1440 #Specifications, you do not have AGP slot, only 3 PCI slots. <edit> double urls... </edit>
  15. Wilhelmus

    installation problem

    I found this with Google: http://fileforums.com/showthread.php?t=64871&page=4 Scroll down to PoPWW.
  16. Wilhelmus

    Max Payne 2 installation problem

    Seems to be copy protection issue... Something to try: Quote: From Take 2 Games Support: FOR WINDOWS 2000/XP USERS: Click on "Start," then click on Control Panel. Double-click the System icon in the System Properties dialog box. Select the Hardware tab, then click on the Device Manager button. Click the + plus sign next to the IDE/ATAPI controllers icon. Double-click on the first entry labeled "Primary IDE channel." On the new screen that appears, click on the "Advanced Settings" tab; on that window, look in the "Device 0" section, and change the "Transfer Mode" setting from "DMA if available" to "PIO only." Click on OK to close the windows, then restart your computer. We have found that in most cases in which this error occurs and users are unable to manually change their device Transfer Mode, the current CD or DVD ROM drive does not have appropriately updated software (called "firmware") to run that device. Fortunately, this firmware can be updated free of charge from the manufacturer. Even if your computer was purchased a relatively short while ago, this does not guarantee that you have the latest version of the software that runs your CD drives. Old firmware will not recognize newer varieties of copy protection, and this may be the cause of your CRC error. You can go to the following websites to check the firmware version you have currently on your drive and match it up with what is listed on these web pages. http://www.firmware-flash.com http://www.cdfreaks.com/drive Be advised that if you are not sure of how to update your firmware and/or are not sure what kind of drive you have in your system, you will need to consult your system documentation and/or contact the hardware manufacturer. We cannot assist with the installation or troubleshooting of any drivers. Also try downloading patch for it: v1.01 http://www.3drealms.com/downloads.html, about 5 megs. If none these work, and you own legal copy of MP2, then you'll need to bypass the copy protection... Do not ask how.
  17. Wilhelmus

    95 game won't run in XP

    Something to try: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;314452 and copy autoexec.nt and config.nt files from c:\windows\repair to c:\windows\system32.
  18. Wilhelmus

    How do I schedule a Defrag?

    Create new scheduled task. Start, click All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Scheduled Tasks. Then Add Scheduled Task. Follow the instructions in the Add Scheduled Task wizard. You'll probably need first to browse for executable. the defrag.exe is in C:\Windows\System32. Then modify the command to: "C:\Windows\System32\defrag.exe C:" This will defrag drive c: And then there are some defragging utilities which have scheduler application with them. E.g. Raxco's Perfect Disk, etc. <edit> How to use the Windows Task Scheduler: (w/ screenshots) http://www.iopus.com/guides/winscheduler.htm </edit>
  19. Wilhelmus

    Sims 2 Problem Solving Part Deux

    Damn. I did not notice that your XP is Home... sorry. Then you need to make your sister account administrator, as Home only have Limited and Administrator (aka Owner) level users.
  20. Wilhelmus

    95 game won't run in XP

    Go to Start-> Settings-> Control Panel and select Sound and Audio Devices. On the Audio tab, press the Advanced button under Sound Playback On the resulting Speaker tab, select Desktop Stereo Speakers. Then click on the Performance tab next to the Speakers tab. Play with the Hardware Acceleration slider (Default: Full).
  21. Is there option called "Do not allow client printer redirection"? Using Group Policy with Remote Desktop @ Microsoft Terminal Services Group Policy Objects @ Microsoft Support
  22. Wilhelmus

    Borland 4.52 problems

    cout << "Hello"; If you want to upgrade, download Borland's FREE commandline tools, C++ Builder Compiler only. http://www.borland.com/products/downloads/download_cbuilder.html Basically it is same compiler which comes with Borland C++ Builder 6, but it does not have IDE and such. See this what is included in the package: http://community.borland.com/article/0,1410,20633,00.html
  23. Wilhelmus

    Untitled thread

    LoL. /* Looks like Pjotr tried reply to this: http://www.ntcompatible.com/thread31691-1.html. */
  24. Wilhelmus

    save favourites

    Or from IE: File->Import and Export.
  25. Wilhelmus

    Simple question?

    Originally posted by theefool: Quote: Thanks for the tasklist util. Never knew that existed. I always thought I knew about the majority of the command line utils that come with the os. Did you knew that you can create self-extracting/installing package with Windows XP? "iexpress.exe"