Hello there i am just asking because ive had this problem for a week now and ive tried everything. plz help me. i 've just recently bought a graphics card geforce mx 4000 and the thing is that i have a built in graphics card so i can't change my default mointor to the 32 bit colour settings of the geforce graphics card.
Also i keep trying to play this wolfienstien enenmy terriotry on line but when i click to load up console with this new graphics card, it comes up with the following message can't loadgl subsytem. the shop were i bought it from say i need to download the gl drives from the net and install them to run the game. i did and guess what it hasn't worked.
I feel cheated and ripped off. so if any 1 can help me plz do.
My email is deco_2die4@hotmail.com