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About leegolf

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  1. Hi, I am really hoping that somebody here can offer me some assistance as I really need access to the info stored on my laptop!! Tonight I installed Ad aware on my Sony Viao laptop, which all went ok. Ad aware downloaded the update and carried out a full system scan, and found 99 critical objects, so I highlighted these and continued, it quarentined and then deleted these. Every thing still seemed ok I then restarted the the laptop and it would not boot up, I restarted agian and held F2 but it would not access Bios, I really am at a loss as to what to try next. I will try and find the recovery disk but am worried this may wipe the hard drive!!!, The PC has service pack 2 installed could this affect anything? Any advise would be much appriciated! Thanks in advance! Dean
  2. leegolf

    PC will not boot up!!

    Hi, I am really hoping that somebody here can offer me some assistance as I really need access to the info stored on my laptop!! Tonight I installed Ad aware on my Sony Viao laptop, which all went ok. Ad aware downloaded the update and carried out a full system scan, and found 99 critical objects, so I highlighted these and continued, it quarentined and then deleted these. Every thing still seemed ok I then restarted the the laptop and it would not boot up, I restarted agian and held F2 but it would not access Bios, I really am at a loss as to what to try next. I will try and find the recovery disk but am worried this may wipe the hard drive!!!, The PC has service pack 2 installed could this affect anything? Any advise would be much appriciated! Thanks in advance! Dean.
  3. I've just dug out my Force feedback wheel and want to install it on my new PC, but can't find the divers CD that came with it. I've had a little search thro the internet but can only find the software for 95/8. Anyone have any ideas where to download the software I'll need for XP of if the 95/8 is the only version available, and if so does this run OK with XP? Cheers.