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Everything posted by Bullet8542

  1. Bullet8542

    Help with new build.

    Hello All. I am having a major issue with a new build on a MSI 915GM-FR Motherboard with a P4HT 3.0ghz processor. When I start to load the OS Win XP sp2 it goes through the normal loading driver stuff and them I get the blue screen and the stop error message. Windows has stopped loading with the error codes. 0x0000007b,(0xf898c524,0xc0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000) it tell me to check the hard drive for viruses (It is brand new WD 120g) I am totally lost could a new hard drive be corrupt? Has this happened to anyone else? I have tried to load with a older hard drive and same thing, I do notice when it starts to boot up in the black screen there is a message that says scanning for drives no found. I am really in left field on this one HELP!!!!!