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About Dylaar

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  1. Dylaar

    Red Hat, oops, I mean Fedora still sucks...

    Hello All, Just Happened upon this post while Browsing forums. I have Installed Several Versions of Red Hat with KDE and Gnome , Installation went Well But Configuration was (lets Just say Mind boggling) as I am a windows user. But was intriging None the less. Reformat You sound like you want PnP, If thats what you need (well) PnP = Windows But you will pay Dearly for that convience. Linux Versions = FREE (means lot of Labor) So you Pay either way If money is Short And get OS for free consider all the Frustation as The cost of buying Linux. I am Sure you are aware that Today 733P3 is slow, Does not mean it does not work but is considered slow. As to KDE being slow, As Iam sure you are aware any OS And or Software As the GUI and functions, Options Improve And become larger They eat up more resources. Which is one of Microsofts Major flaws. Linux Is Very Stable and Very Fast > as long as you do not stray far away from Command Line! The more user Friendly the GUI becomes The more CPU Time it hogs in any OS. I will leave you with this Question. Ever Crash DOS ?? Get the point Anyway Stick with it It can be Hard and Frustrating but is very refreshing to slid away from windows every now and again. Dylaar