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Everything posted by potpie_heh

  1. Hey I was wondering if someone could please help me out..I looked at other posts but I can't seem to fix it... "A cabinet file necassary for installation cannot be trusted."
  2. haha...ya thx,I didn't take it the wrong way at all..normally I'd get my b/f to help m eout but I'm away at college so ya...but I *may* attempt at it myself one last time...otherwise I'll get my tech friend to do it..LOL..thx for all your help:)
  3. ok,I am trying to do it myself...you say that once you've gone through tools and such to make the last activeX thing so that I can download....but I tride that(I think) and it didn't wotk...could you be more specific on which one maybe?...I dunno...lol
  4. ya I had read that one but I must say,I'm not very good with computers...lol..and so it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to me...but I'll have a friend who is much more into technology give it a try:)Thx for your help:) Actually I decided to try it myself,bu tall the activeX things are already set at enable which means it should allow it...and I tride switching them to othe rthings but nothing seems to work:S...what do you suggest I do? [Edited by potpie_heh on 2005-01-10 18:34:12]