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About pipipi

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  1. HI guys, Something strange happens with my computer. It advised me of low storage space. I then uninstalled big programs like adbobe acrobat, office, etc. All of them should have more than 1.5 GB. But the computer after uninstall still shouws me 380 MB???? I have purge all files with Norton utility and still 380 MB. I cant delete any more stuff.. what can i do to get the space i have??? Any help would be appreciated. Polo _____________________________________________________________ Metasearching the world http://www.globito.com
  2. pipipi

    NO monitor signal

    Hi, I am changing my motherboard from a pentium II to an AMD Athlon 650Mhz. I did the switch of the MOBOs and all seem ok. All was connected perfectly and I reset the CMOS. I then turn on the computer but was no monitor signal. The monitor is working perfect in another computer and the video card AGP and another PCI are working as well. The MOBO was working in my uncles computer two days ago when he upgraded his own computer. Ido not understand why this happens. I have changed the power supply from 230W to 350W and still have no luck. I unplugged everything unless the CPU and power it on and and got no Beeps from MOBO. I dont know what is causing the trouble, if there is a compflict. The mother board is KinetiZ 7A, the video card is diamond vipe 550 16Mb, the PCI is S3 trio 64 V2/DX. Please help. Many thanks Polo Metasearching the world: http://www.globito.com[url