Ok... I have basically the same system as the first one mentioned (AMD 64 3400+ with the K8N-E deluxe) and am having the exact same problem installing XP 64. Some message about checking my bios or shadowing or something.
Now I have read all these postings and have also downloaded those drivers from NVidia (the "internatinal" drivers, ver 6.25 for xp pro 64). BUT I dont know what to do with them once I installed them...
I also downloaded the file that was mentioned and copied it into the XP 64 ISO file (in the AMD folder).. I still am not sure what to do....
Would anyone be so kind as to write a quick 'step by step' guide for idiots like me? ;o)
I would appreciate this very much, as I am eager to see this sucker fly on a 64 bit OS. (After having a Pentium III 350 for 4 years I have some wasted time to make up for ) )
Oh and btw I am using System Commander to make my partitions and to be able to dual boot OS's