Since my RedHat is on my laptop with no net connection, I cant seem to cut and past at the moment, but ill walk through it.
ghost3 <---Program file.
cd ghost3
read me, data, doc, log, gods, src
cd src
misc .h .c files, I type "make" to compile them,
I now have added some .o files to this dir.
cd until I get back to a file titled area.
In the area file are some area files, creature files
along with my "startup" file. I type ./startup to run it
and i get "bash: ./startup: bin/csh:bad interpreter: no
such file or directory".
The is a second startup file in this one "startup2", so
then I ./startup2 and get "..srcdev/ghost: not found"
Another source I try to run will get to the ./startup,
when i run it it just does nothing but sit there.
Im wondering if im missing a step or something, I have been
reading on how to compile these progs for weeks now and
have had zero luck actully running one.
Thanks for your time in advance, hopefully someone has some
insight for me, im losing sleep over this;)