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Everything posted by AmishOutlaws

  1. AmishOutlaws

    Problems with Service Pack 2 to Windows XP

    I have had problems after SP2, but different ones... one is similar: the control panel likes to crash. Sometimes I can access it, sometimes it just craps out. The other problem is certain elements on web pages will not load, and some web sites I cannot get to AT ALL. Links like: http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/clic...e=3&subid=0 I can't access ANY part of: http://www.metareward.com Some odd things, elements on web pages don't load. Some banner ads, some dymamic content, and sometimes just random images, like the logo on Yahoo doesn't load: Weird stuff. I was on with MS tech support several times. They had me do all sorts of things, including removing SP2, re-installing the OS and more. Ultimately, they told me I have to wipe the hard drive completely, which I just don't have the heart to do right now as I have had the computer for around 10 months or so and it feels like I just re-installed everything, especially after having done so many wipes on my previous Windows ME machine. I have tried re-installing Java, Flash, etc. etc. Anyone have ideas, or have heard of a similar problem? The same sites/elements don't load in Firefox either. My wife's laptop is still SP1 and it all works fine there (we share the same cable access).