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About Cheshire414

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  1. Cheshire414

    The Sims 2 Problem Solving Thread

    ok i have the same problem too. i just got the sims 2 DVD version and whn i put it in all it does is make click noises. no autorun shows up at all and ive tried everything that i kno of. if it helps i have a windows XP i have more then enough memory and video card stuff and all that and i have that directx9 in cuz another game i have uses it and its fine so i duno whts going on but im so upset i think im gunna cry lol so someone please help me! i dont kno whts wrong and i dont kno yet if other dvds will work i dont think they will cuz at one point our comp got fried and ever since we cant make cds or anything and my parents wont buy me a new one just for this game so please help me to the best of ur ability! should i get a new game with the DVD version? or hold on to it and get a new computer or both?? (get the non DVD sims 2 and get a new comp) please help!
  2. Cheshire414


    ok i have the same problem too. i just got the sims 2 DVD version and whn i put it in all it does is make click noises. no autorun shows up at all and ive tried everything that i kno of. if it helps i have a windows XP i have more then enough memory and video card stuff and all that and i have that directx9 in cuz another game i have uses it and its fine so i duno whts going on but im so upset i think im gunna cry lol so someone please help me! i dont kno whts wrong and i dont kno yet if other dvds will work i dont think they will cuz at one point our comp got fried and ever since we cant make cds or anything and my parents wont buy me a new one just for this game so please help me to the best of ur ability! should i get a new game with the DVD version? or hold on to it and get a new computer or both?? (get the non DVD sims 2 and get a new comp) please help!