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Everything posted by memlafeder

  1. memlafeder

    Machine Check: Regs in event viewer on boot

    Hi everyone, I am suffering from this problem for too long, that I used to live with it. Till I found this page. It really makes sense to me, the reason may be a xp-amd conflict. The only problem at my computer is, I am using my tv card with a unsigned driver (cause conexant -manufacturer of the chip on tv card- closed before xp) So I remove the tv card for one week, and give a new clean install on this damn computer. Crashes and restarts are decreased %20. But they are still there. So what I am saying is, I wish Gates dies with an intel cpu stucked in his as*. I wish everyone uses a lot more copy windows, cause these ******s don't deserve a damn penny. and I wish I was a barking dog, which makes my life a lot easier from now.. So guys, give it up. You can not fight with microsoft. Go buy a new intel cpu. regards.