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About LinuxMaster

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  1. LinuxMaster

    Problems with Service Pack 2 to Windows XP

    All of this is ridiculous... So are you telling me that because Micro$oft does not want to support certain BIOSes and video cards that you can't update your system!!?!?!?!? That is the most absurd notion I have ever heard!!! When are you ppl going to wake up and see that there are other options... you don't have to deal with an Operating system that forces you to up grade your video card just to get much needed updates to patch up a horrible excuse for an operating system... The solution that worked to fix this problem is to uninstall win-dozes all together and install a Linux distribution. I recommend Fedora Core3 for ppl that have not used Linux before. Then graduate to Gentoo when you think you are ready... but to settle for an inherently flawed piece of software because you can't imagine anything else is short sited and reminds me of talks I have had with drug addicts. For more info check out: http://distrowatch.com/ And can someone tell me why many ppl complain about windoze and all of its bugs but at the bottom of their post they have a signature that praises this cubic zirconia of operating systems...
  2. All of this is ridiculous... So are you telling me because you have an older vid card you can't update your system!!?!?!?!? That is the most absurd notion I have ever heard!!! When are you ppl going to wake up and see that there are other options... you don't have to deal with an Operating system that forces you to up grade your video card just to get much needed updates to patch up a horrible excuse for an operating system... The solution that worked for to fix this problem is to uninstall windows all together and install a Linux distribution. I recomend Fedora Core3 for ppl that have not used Linux before. Then graduate to Gentoo when you think you are ready... but to settle for an inherently flawed piece of software because you can't imagine anything else is short sited and reminds me of talks I have had with drug addicts. For more info check out: http://distrowatch.com/