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Everything posted by Jimxugle

  1. Jimxugle

    USB Wifi Adapter

    Hey... I'm in the market for a USB 802.11b/g adpater that supports WEP and WAP that will run on linux fairly well. Plz Keep in mind that cheaper is better for me. Thanks!!
  2. Jimxugle

    USB Wifi Adapter

    Hey. yeh... sry if I sounded rude. Could you please make any reccomendations for me?
  3. Jimxugle

    Any Good FTP Server?

    Hey... I'm looking to build/run my own server... Anyone have an FTP server app that they would recommend? Thanks.
  4. Jimxugle

    Mount: only root can do that

    use the su command before mounting?
  5. Jimxugle

    Firewall of Choice?

    I'm thinking of running my own Linux (of course) based server and I'm looking for a firewall app that will let me block all but select ports (80, 21, 22, 25, etc.) from all IP addresses. Also, It would be great if that same app could block IP addresses that I specify. It would be aperk if It were f/oss Thanks! Distro: TBD, probably homebrew Arch: i686x64
  6. Jimxugle

    Firewall of Choice?

    Hey thanks! This looks perfect... In about 1-2 years I'll have my own server... low funding ;( Thanks!
  7. Yeh. You Gotta mount it. Use these Commands: mkdir /mnt/sda1 mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 -t usbfs cd /mnt/sda1/ ls
  8. Jimxugle

    HUGE File server

    I'm looking into designing a HUGE!!! server. IS linux Limited to 26 Drives (hda through hdz)? or is there somthing like hdaa? or hdab? thanks! Jim
  9. Jimxugle

    HUGE File server

    hey... thanks! I'm gonna have to go re-think everything with this. Pitch to RAID controller manufacturers: Configuration-free transparent RAID system... Connect two hard disks to a small device that will make both disks appear to be one. It will be able to Daisy-chain these into multi-terabyte virtual drives
  10. Jimxugle

    HUGE File server

    Update on my software: heh. The softwere I pulled of the net (not warez, mind you) didnt act the way I thought... I now need somesort of command-line utility that will copy every bit off of a DVD into an ISO file. any suggestions?
  11. Jimxugle

    HUGE File server

    thx blackpage! I thought that there might be bandwidth issues... I'm now scrapping the idea of using PCI cloing. Just General FYI: I like IDE and SATA drives... they're more fammiliar. Quick question. (dumb probably) If I have one RAID 0 Controller with 4 drives on it, Is it possible to have a second RAID 0 controller with another 4 drives on it and have the system recognise all 8 Drives as one Disk? Does this work with more than 2 RAID Conrtollers? I'm starting to work on the actual software... anyone know of an open-source DVD-to-ISO command line software? right now I'v only been able to find some *gahsp!* Closed source products. :'(
  12. Jimxugle

    HUGE File server

    Hey.. thanks for writing! I'm thinking of making a system where I insert a DVD into the DVD drive, a program automatically copeis the entire Disk into a .iso file and store it on the hard drive(s) for mounting/watching later. I have no expiriance with SCSI Devices. I was thinking of Using one motherbord with 6 PCI channels. In each of those channels will (theoretically) be a PCI 1-to-15 hub (yes, they make them and I'll try to post a link when I find the URL). On Each of the 90 "cloned" PCI channels, I plan to have a 5 port USB card. Conenected to each port is a Hard Drive enclosure containing the highest-capacity Drive I can find (Hitachi's proposed 1TB Drive. Bringing the Total amount of space to 460800 GB. (assuming each byte is 6 bits, each kilobyte is 1024 bytes, each megabyte is 1024 KB, etc., etc., etc.) PlzkTHX!!!
  13. Jimxugle


    1) Usually, USB products wont work well with Fedora. 2) It's Esier to go with Ethernet 3) Windows programs dont work under Linux (this is a 'duh') without an emulator such as WINE (http://www.winehq.com) 4) \m/ Fedora Core \m/
  14. Jimxugle

    Printer NIGHTMARE!

    TO Setup a printer, I think you have to be logged in as root.
  15. ok. You need to install WIndows on the Drive you want first. then you install linux. it's cuz windows' boot loader wont ask what to load. try it.
  16. Jimxugle

    Linux WebCam

    Hey! I'm looking for a USB 2.0 WebCam That has active Linux support. It needs to be able to cature at least 15fps at 640x480. Thanks! x) Jim Jim@xugle.com (don't bother spamming... only makes thunderbird's E-mail filters stronger)
  17. Jimxugle

    FC3 Blackscreen

    Try Turning your monitor off... wait 10 seconds and then turn it back on... LCD Right? If that dosnt work... Re-Install! (or Use Duck Tape :-p
  18. Jimxugle

    major newbie.......need help

    Actually... The First thing I'd do is Make my posts a little bit more clear. Second: I'd Download some Fedora Core 3 Packages... but I think you said this was an old computer... try Redhat 9. These Are the Esiest to use I think Second: if the programs are in .tar.gz format... Use the Terminal/Command Prompt to browse to the location of the Tarballs. Then Use the command "tar xzvf <tarball filename>" Yah.
  19. Jimxugle

    Recommended email program?

    Thunderbird... Duh. http://www.mozilla.org/products/thunderbird/
  20. Jimxugle

    Linux NOOB here!

    Mouse) Buy a cheap one at like Wal-Mart or somthing. Partitions) The First Partiton should be Windows. You should Leave at least 5GB of Unformatted/Unpartitioned Space at the end. I use Partition Magic for this. -fello semi-n00b
  21. Jimxugle

    mounting windows drives

    You Need to Set The File Permissions... Go into the /mnt/ Folder, right click on hda5 and then there should be somthing about permissions there. Thats in FC3... but if you're using Gentoo or mandrake or smothing... try googleing it. Cheers, Jim
  22. Jimxugle

    What are the must gets?

    Here's the Must Haves: Wine: An Emulator Like Environmet that will run Windows .exe Files http://www.winehq.com Linux NTFS Driver: Lets you mount NTFS Partitions In Linux. http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/ Firefox: Best Web browser Ever! http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ Thunderbird: Best E-mail Client Ever! http://www.mozilla.org/products/thunderbird/ Sunbird: Best Calendar Program Ever! http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/sunbird_download.html Kismet: WiFi Sniffer Program!!! woo7! http://www.kismetwireless.net/ Jimxugle Jim@xugle.com