Solution :
sorry for my bad english
I was having this error will triing to import a 6hd soft raid-5 in windows 2003. The array was created in windows 2000 server and had already being imported sucessfully on this computer before , But this time the activation of the drive and/or activation off the array was doing nothing and/or the same error you had. I was probably pluging the array without the exact same master/slave/controlers config.
The windows help database state that you have to import raid array with all the hard drive to be always suscesful. And in windows, the same hard-disk with different master/slave/ controler config is view as another hd.
So! basicly, you have to really make windows forget about all you hard drives, and after import the "new" array that windows don't have a clue that existed before.
1- Unplug all the hard drive of the array
2- Run those 3 commands
set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
cd %SystemRoot%\System32
start devmgmt.msc
Device manager will open, now go in view/show hidden device
Now on , you can view all the "ghosted" devices. Devices that was, once upon a time , connected to your computer.
Delete all the hard drive that are not connected righ now
3- Plug back your hard drive
4- Import your aray
5- Pray "not mandatory"