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John Cold

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About John Cold

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  1. hallo friends, Is there anybody who is familiar with fedora core 1 who can help me with .src.rpm packages. to compile them i have been told to use the command rpm --rebuild blabla.src.rpm.......didnt work. then i was told to use rebuild command....doesnt exist. so does anyone know the correct way of installing these source packages. the package is redhat config package 1.2.7-1. reason i am installing this is so i can install all the development tools that wouldnt install before (error reading packages) and i was told that this package would assist in doing this (i need a gcc compiler) ;( this problem has been raping me for a while and i need to rectify it quickly.....thanks in advance......JCold
  2. Greetings Commrades, Has anybody had trouble installing rpm packages from cd-rom? everytime i try to add updates through the add/remove packages tool i get the same error saying "Error reading packages...exiting now. i click ok and it shuts down the whole add/remove package tool window. Could it be that the cd-rom is crappy and would burning a new one solve my problem. J.Cold
  3. John Cold

    compiling c code

    greetings commrades, is there anybody who understands how to compile code using the gcc compiler built in to fc1. i assumed that the compiler itself had to be added from the cd so ofcourse i tried to add it...but, low and behold an error ocurred while trying to install one of the rpm packages and i have no idea what packages i do and dont need(theres a load of em as u know). if anybody could even vaguely run me thru the steps of setting up and using the gcc compiler, i'd appreciate it j.cold