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Everything posted by cleverdick

  1. HERE IS THE SOLUTION THOUSANDS OF YOU POOR SOULS HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR !! Eureka, after much struggling with this problem I finally found it. Unfortunatley you won't find the solution anywhere else on the web and especially not in the Microsoft Knowledge Base - typical (just who does Bill Gates employ anyway ?) Yes they do provide a solution, but not the correct one which will solve the problem that I know you are experiencing. The solution is long (but relatively easy) so you can email me cleverdick@webmail.co.za and I will email you the lengthy solution on how to fix it. When you are in the Command Prompt in Windows XP and you press ALT + Enter the Command Prompt window should expand and you should not get the "This video device failed to initialize for fullscreen mode" error message. You may also get this error message when running old Dos applications in Windows XP. My solution fixes this. MOST IMPORTANTLY !! BY DOING A WINDOWS REPAIR, IT UNFORTUNATELY WILL NOT FIX THIS PROBLEM, SO DON'T EVEN BOTHER WASTING YOUR TIME. IT MAKES YOU WONDER WHY THE LADS AT MICROSOFT DON'T MAKE SURE & CHECK PROPERLY THAT WHEN YOU DO A WINDOWS REPAIR THAT THE REPAIR WORKS PROPERLY LIKE IT OUGHT TO AND NOT GIVE MILLIONS OF POOR SOULS LIKE US SUCH A BIG HEADACHE.