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About ItzAndy17

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  1. ItzAndy17

    Computer booting problem please help!

    actually i think i may have fixed it. at the way begining i thought it was the ram. so i took each stick out and then when i reseated all the ram it worked. so i thought i was fine. then the BSOD happened again and my cd burner wasnt working right. so i didnt need it anyway so i just took that out. since i have a dvd burner i use for everything. but then i was told on my post about eventviewer and i have to thank that guy because it told me my problem. on every day i had a BSOD it said aim had faulted on startup. so i uninstalled aim. during the uninstallition it asked me to delete this random directory which i think was the problem. i did that, reinstalled aim and im on day 3 without any problems.
  2. ItzAndy17

    Computer booting problem please help!

    aight i uninstalled and when i did that it gave me an option to delete this aim directory that i myself didnt create when in the initial installation. maybe that was the problem. i dont know but i deleted it and i reinstalled. ill post back if theres another error
  3. ItzAndy17

    Computer booting problem please help!

    yes i have determined the problem is AIM. every single time my computer has had the BSOD error it has an error log of aim. so im gonna try to do a clean uninstall of aim and then reinstall aim and ill post back to let you know how it goes
  4. ItzAndy17

    Computer booting problem please help!

    yes there are warning and errors on system and application...actually it says that on my startup yesterday it gave me an error because of aim still on when i shut down. aim does give me many errors. anyone know anything about this problem?
  5. ItzAndy17

    Computer booting problem please help!

    ok well i got another error but my computer restarted and then i hit start normal and it just started fine....i checked device manager and thers no question marks...i can find anywhere online the error i had...anyone got anything?
  6. ItzAndy17

    Computer booting problem please help!

    well today is day 2 of no errors and everything hopefully will be fine from here. if everything works for another 5 days ill mark this post solved...
  7. ItzAndy17

    Computer booting problem please help!

    well yesterday i got the error again and it took an hour to get my computer to fully boot. i saw that my cd burner wasnt burning and giving me errors, so since i dont use it anymore because of my dvd burner, i took it out. thats when my computer booted fully without the error. then i scaned my pc with my virus scan, adaware, spybot and i got rid of some stuff. hopefully its fine now. if i get the error again will reformating my hard drive fix it?
  8. ok, for the past week my computer has been causing some problems when being turned on. ill turn it on, then it well go fine until the windows loading page. there instead of continuing, most times it will flash this blue screen with a whole bunch of writting but it goes to fast to read. then it will restart and bring me to a page that says your computer hasnt been shut down right or something and theres options of safe mode, safe mode with networking, last config or normal. when i chose last config everything works fine. but this happens pretty much every time i start up my machine. does anyone know how to fix this? id also like to add i have windows xp home the error is: STOP: 0x00000050 (0xF778A800, 0x00000000, 0xf7775051, 0x00000000) PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA
  9. ItzAndy17

    Computer booting problem please help!

    one of my main questions is: Is this "Blue screen of death" a software problem or a hardware problem. if its a software problem i should be able to just format my hard drive and everything should be fine right? i have a 2 year waranty on all of my parts and i built it about 4 months ago so im covered on both ends. just dont know how to fix it. i can get the computer started just takes a little work and i have to end up leaving it on to be able to use it everyday
  10. ItzAndy17

    Computer booting problem please help!

    STOP: 0x00000050 (0xF778A800, 0x00000000, 0xf7775051, 0x00000000) PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA
  11. ItzAndy17

    Computer booting problem please help!

    and id like to add that its windows xp home edition.
  12. ok, for the past week my computer has been causing some problems when being turned on. ill turn it on, then it well go fine until the windows loading page. there instead of continuing, most times it will flash this blue screen with a whole bunch of writting but it goes to fast to read. then it will restart and bring me to a page that says your computer hasnt been shut down right or something and theres options of safe mode, safe mode with networking, last config or normal. when i chose last config everything works fine. but this happens pretty much every time i start up my machine. does anyone know how to fix this?