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About Robbo0

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  1. Robbo0

    hotmail problem

    I have changed my password but to no effect. Its not a case of typing in the numbers and letters and then i get into my emails, it asks me repeatedly and will not let me view my emails at all. I only know that i have got some as i get the MSN pop-up message from the taskbar informing me when an email comes in. there is no way of me accessing my hotmail even when i type in the correct characters.
  2. Robbo0

    hotmail problem

    Um, sorry, I dont quite get the solution you said- just get a new hotmail account? (not familiar with the terms/accronyms im afraid.) OK, I dont mind doing that, but I cant access address book either to get addresses back.... so how can I prevent this from happening in the future, to a new account, if what you say is right about someone knowing my pwd? can someone hack into it just by me giving out my hotmail address/msn address? (i am quite free about giving it out...)
  3. Robbo0

    hotmail problem

    MSN explorer is working fine, but when I click on 'email', I get a message asking me to confirm the distorted characters I see on screen (you know the type of message... full message: "To continue, type the characters that you see in this picture. This helps to ensure that a person, and not an automated program, is using this service." then a box to enter the characters in. Entering the letters correctly I am asked to confirm Email address and passowrd. Do so correctly and Taken back to another box asking me to confirm the characters. do so correctly, back to confirming email and password. and round and round in circles... I know I have nine unread emails and I want to reply to them but I just cant get into hotmail to even read them, inside or outside of msn explorer. have scanned for spyware. can access another hotmail email the pc but not my main one... anyone any idea, or have an email address to write to to report the problem? have searched MSN but can only find email addresses for reporting abuse or spyware... there is a form i can fill in on msn and send off to msn regarding hotmail problems, but when I press send another error message, and it does not give the e-mail address which the form is being sent out to... anyone any idea...? hope ive explained the problem clearly enough.... thanks, thanks and more thanks! Rob