You updated the bios...got the 3 beep codes, but the system is booting normally now? If so, let's move on with your install.
yes, system seems to be fine now
You tried Mandrake. Did this install at all, or fail at the partitioning section?
Mandrake had similar 3 beep code crash, I could try installing Mandrake once again now that that problem seems to be fixed (does 10.1 use a 2.4 kernel, I'm not sure but I thought somewhere said it did [<2.4.22 is preferable])
You had Fedora Core 3 installed. Did you attempt to install Core 1 over the Core 3 installation, or wipe the drive and start the install of Core 1 and just tell it to accept default partitioning?
yes, the drive was wiped out, fc3 used completely different partitioning and fc1 formated all the newly created partitions
Do you have Windows on this system at all, or just Linux? If Windows, is the Windows install XP using the NTFS filesystem?
Yes, I do have an XP installed on one drive and surprisingly that has been reliable during all of this. I have all different OSs on their own didicated drive, I have 8 drives floating around which I nomilly run 5 at a time along with 3 CD drives. During all this messing around I have anywhere from 1 to 5 plugged in (good thing I have 500Watt PS and many power and IDE cables, cause I have drives laying all over swithcing between them)
Do you have a sata drive on this system, or ide; or a combination of the two?
All my drives are IDE, however I do have sata on mb
Grub is failing because it can't read the disk partition. If you had failed prior or successful installs and tried to over-write the partition each time (did not re-format) this can be a problem.
I have reformated the partitions everytime, and since I give the install the complete drive I figured would write the MBR corretly the way it wants to, and since it does start loading GRUB I figure it doesn't have a problem reading its own partition.
Grub may not be reading stage 1.5 or 2 correctly because of the partition confusion on each install, how did you set up the bootloader? Did you tell the Fedora Core 1 install to over-write the MBR?
Sorry, I remembered the message wrong, it is: GRUB loading statge2.read error
So it is stage 2 if that helps
One note that I also thought of now too is that some of the installations would seem to mix up my drives. I would normally plug the drive I'm installing an OS into the mb primary master, which I would think would be hda, but sometimes shows up as hde which would be my IDE PCI card primary master. All the fc installs I think were always as hda though.
I tried booting from a fc3 install, where grub works to the fc1 and works fine
hope this gives you a better idea