ok im 13 kinda comp. wiz on windows 98, got a spare comp. from tech guy @ school, got some ppl i know to install an OS on spare comp. either Linux or exotic OS, i got Linux (obviously y im here) and my dad downloaded some games and other programs off the net onto a cd, i got the cd on my comp. and "unzipped" the ".tgz" (i think) files into a new folder and now im clueless on how to get the programs runnning so i can use them. when i first booted up the login screen said debian, so im pretty sure it's that, but now my comp. likes the root user to login to KDE any idea what that is? im barely Linux savvy cause i took a programming course last summer and we used Linux and now im messing around with my new Linux. any idea how 2 help? :x