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Everything posted by markcoutinho

  1. Thanks, Wilhelmus 1) I'm sorry, but when I change the value of the cache in IE it does not change in the key you suggest; it does in the four keys I stated. That's why I don't understand that when I export these keys I don't get them imported - not even in my own machine. Any other suggestion? 2) Yeah, I use the regedit /s %regname%.reg option. Funny thing is that with some users it does work and with some not when called from the mapping.bat. For the users where it doesn't work that way it's even more strange that when I manually start the particular regedit option it does work. Any clue?
  2. Hey, guys, thanks for the attributions. First of all: I want to know where I can set this size in the registry so I can put is as an export it in the mapping.bat when one of my 100 colleagues signs in on our network. So a software-solution like CacheSentry isn't what I'm looking for, though it seemed like a nifty little program when I checked it out. I checked the registry before I entered this question on this forum and I bumped on this one: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\Paths\path1] "CacheLimit"=dword:00006400 Same voor path2, path3 and path4 under that paths-key. I'd say: no problemo! But when I enter these settings in a p.c. it says the entry is succeeded but when I check still the old settings are valid. So: 1) is it the right key I'm using? 2) why doesn't it import properly? Thanks again!
  3. I'm trying to find out where in the registry the settings are for the cache-size of IE and of the number of days 'history' it has to keep. Anyone?