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Everything posted by jaylittle

  1. jaylittle


    Originally posted by jaylittle: Quote: * Where autoexec.nt OR config.nt had "SET BLASTER" type statements present in it! (The type Creative Labs Soundblaster cards make to DOS or Win9x 16-bit real-mode operations OR for environmental values settings for IRQ &/or DMA assignments for driver parameterization in CONFIG.SYS &/or AUTOEXEC.BAT) The SET BLASTER statement is a standard part of autoexec.nt on Windows XP. It controls the settings for XPs pathetic soundblaster emulation that it provides to old DOS programs that you run through cmd.exe. Commenting out the line effectively disables the emulation. Again this is not a bug but in fact a feature of XP. The error that user was experiencing was likely caused by something else. More than likely a malformated EMM statement within either the autoexec.nt or config.nt was the cause of the problem as that seems to be cause 99% of the time I've seen this issue.
  2. jaylittle

    Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.2 problem

    Errr... I guess that means that this thread is about to be locked as well. Perhaps somebody put a stop to this? This has become so bad that I almost feel bad that somehow AlecStaar (who apparently is APK) is inspired to post this garbage simply because I dared to call him out on some of his more questionable posts here. If my act of waking this beast from its sleep has annoyed others then I would like to apologize. Could somebody give me a hint as to how I can put him back to sleep now?
  3. jaylittle

    Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.2 problem

    Does this seem odd or are the moderators involved? Every thread in which Alec posts his crazy Ars conspiracy theory has been summarily deleted. I'd appreciate some kind of direction either online or via email about how to handle and deal with these crazy little rants that Alec appears to enjoy going on.
  4. jaylittle

    Public folder permissions in Echange server 2003

    This is all horribly amusing. Does AlecStaar treat all newcomers that embarass him by calling him out on his false information like this? Where are the moderators? In response to this particular thread: Alec's post was 100% completely wrong. Instead of dealing with the subject at hand he just posts some completely unrelated set of steps that have nothing to do with the problem that the original poster was trying to solve. I called him out on it and posted a set of steps that the original poster could follow to solve his problem. Then Alec posts some random garbage from various other websites and alleges that I am part of some vast conspiracy designed only to soil his online reputation. Who is the troll here? It is certainly not me.
  5. jaylittle

    Blue screen error on shutdown

    Again am I missing something here? Does AlecStaar == APK? If so that would certainly explain your seemingly insane responses to my legitimate criticisms. Also again for the record I'd like to point out that my presence here has nothing at all to do with Arstechnica. In my quoted "story" above you'll see that I mention a site called OSY and nothing more. Claiming that I am a member of an elite group of persecuters from arstechnica seems rather bold considering that I have no links whatsoever to that site since I was banned from that board over 6 months ago. Will you please provide some detail to these allegations? Also why is this being dragged out on a public forum that has nothing to do with either OSY or Arstechnica? It seems rather silly, doesn't it?
  6. jaylittle

    Blue screen error on shutdown

    I am not from Arstechnica. I am not persecuting you. I did however post a response to your original thread where you claim to "explain" all of these spam-like posts you have made in the last few hours. Try to focus on the issue at hand Alec and please don't try to change the subject when I point out that you have literally posted the same pointless piece of text over and over again. Do you honestly believe that I am the only person annoyed by this?
  7. jaylittle

    Blue screen error on shutdown

    Do you sit around all posting the same garbage over and over again? I mean are you that seriously damaged in the head?
  8. jaylittle

    Public folder permissions in Echange server 2003

    I wasn't reffering to your post. I was reffering to the post made by the resident expert on "nothing much at all" who goes by the handle AlecStaar or at least thats how it looks from what I've seen thus far.
  9. jaylittle

    Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.2 problem

    I can't believe that you actually seem to think that the OS is responsible for those types of errors. Nothing could be further from the truth.
  10. jaylittle

    BSOD "Driver IRQL Not Less Or Equal"

    Why do people keep responding to this posts that are almost 5 years old? Whats the point? To increase their postcounts or something?
  11. jaylittle

    Public folder permissions in Echange server 2003

    Wow. The answers in this thread are horribly wrong. Exchange PF permissions have absolutely NOTHING to do with NTFS permissions. Okay lets start with the basics. Exchange 2003 has an application that is available on the server you installed it called, "Exchange System Manager". It should be on the start menu under, "Programs", "Microsoft Exchange" and "System Manager". Okay what you'll see now is a window with a number of folders in the left pane. Expand the "Administrative Groups" folder. (If you don't see that grouping, right-click on the top level item, hit properties and check the "Display administrative groups" option. Once you expand AG you should get a list of your OUs in Active Directory. Expand that and you'll get a number of subfolders. Expand the "Servers" folder. Expand the folder for your server. Expand the item "First Storage Group". Right click on the "Public Folder Store (SERVERNAME)" item and click Properties. In the Security tab you'll find the list of users and what permissions they have when it comes to accessing and creating content in the public folder heirarchy. Hope this helps. P.S. Exchange is quite a complicated beast. I'm still fairly new to Exchange 2003 and I would highly reccommend that you take a class on the app if you are supposed to be responsible for administering it.
  12. jaylittle

    Unable connect to a shared USB external drive

    What is the drive letter of the USB drive? Try connecting to the administrative share that Windows should create by default. For instance if the letter of the drive is F: \\dad\f$ Note: If you aren't running a domain you need to make sure that the username you use to connect to \\dad has administrative privileges on dad or this will not work as Administrative fileshares are only available to users in the Administrators group.
  13. jaylittle

    Blue screen error on shutdown

    I'm hoping to god that after nearly five years this guy has managed to get enough cash to update that P3-450 box.
  14. jaylittle

    Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.2 problem

    Heh. I wouldn't blame the drivers. Blame your hardware. I'm willing to bet your box has some sort of VIA chipset on the motherboard, eh? If you get lucky you may one day find a version of the VIA 4-in-1 drivers (http://www.viaarena.com) that fixes your problems but don't count on it. If you do find a version that alleviates this.... never ever loose it as given VIAs piss-poor reputation they will break that fix in the very next version they put out.
  15. Good riddens. Enterprise sucked from the first moment that obnoxious theme song came through my stereo speakers.
  16. Quick reply is good. Saves quite a bit of time in a post heavy session.
  17. jaylittle

    Monitor Goes White....

    I've seen similar things like that happen when people store their desktop wallpaper on the network and for some reason or another the network drive containing that wallpaper is unavailable when Windows goes to reread the file. Might be worth looking into...