I had no problems running the sims 2. The pc I'm using is apparently quite good enough to run the game, because all the graphics are tuned to the top and it still runs smoothly. And has been doing it since Christmas (over 2 months). I've installed the first patch from eagames' website and everything is joyful. Until I start using Cheat Codes.
Nice cheat codes like "motherlode" and "intprop censorgridsize 0" are fine and doesn't mess with the game other than what they are suppose to do. But when I use "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true" and Shift-click everything to see what the cheat does, it messes with the game. Especially after I get males to give birth to several alien babies. Now all of a sudden, cars that transport people from the lot (taxi, car pool, School Bus) either don't show up at all or creates an error (the error message only appears when the cheat is on true, not false).
Error message:
"An error occured in object "Car - School Bus - 0,8" #400. Error: Tree Break Encountered. The Stack Trace is saved in "C:\ (...) \Logs\ObjectError_N002_t303280.txt". "
What should I do (other than the obvious: not cheat)?
I've never installed any other patch than the one provided by ea games, and all the cheat codes are preinstalled in the game by the publisher, otherwise they wouldn't excist. Is this a bug? How do I fix it?
The summary that you wanted from msinfo32:
OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name ROFFEN1231
System Manufacturer VIAK8T
System Model AWRDACPI
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 12 Stepping 0 AuthenticAMD ~2043 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date Phoenix Technologies, LTD 6.00 PG, 16.06.2004
SMBIOS Version 2.3
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)"
User Name ROFFEN1231\Marius
Time Zone W. Europe Standard Time
Total Physical Memory 512,00 MB
Available Physical Memory 223,36 MB
Total Virtual Memory 2,00 GB
Available Virtual Memory 1,96 GB
Page File Space 1,22 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys
Oh and another thing: I Right-Clicked the System summary, but all I got was the option "What's This"...