I have installed MySQL and phpmyadmin to my Windows 2003 Standart server yesterday. I've entered a root password and had successfull created some databases. Also I have installed Php 4 on the server.
Today I had a big problem on my server, because all the files starts with 'user' were deleted (users.dat, users.mdb, user.frm etc) Mailserver didn't work anymore because there was a missing file named users.dat etc.
After that I tried but I wasnt be able to create any files wherever starts with 'user'. I tried on command prompt, but cmd.exe was changed as Windows 2000 polish version. If typed 'ver' on command line, get Windows 2000 Server etc.. with some polish words.
Microsoft Windows 2000 [Wersja 5.02.3790]
© Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator>
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator>dir
Wolumin w stacji C: Mom
Numer seryjny woluminu: 78BA-92E9
Katalog: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator
I thought the server was hacked. Symantec Antivirus Corporate was up to date but I think it was caused the new mysql installation and I did something wrong.
Now I have scanned the server with Symantec again but nothing found. I still can't be able to create files/folders starts with 'user' and reinstalling mysql doesnt work too.
there's also a file .bat file in c:/windows
nvsvc.exe /install /silence
net start R_Server
Do you have any idea about the issue? or did hear something like that?