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About ah.heng

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  1. ah.heng

    folder can't open in FC3

    i think i found the problem. the folders that can't be opened have files with japanese characters in their names. i downloaded the true type fonts but it still wouldn't load either.
  2. ah.heng

    folder can't open in FC3

    i know it's a little late for a reply, sorry had to get a new HDD. i just got FC3 freshly installed again. the setup's exactly the same as the previous hdd. you're probably right about the graphical filemanagers, the contents show up on when browsing through the shell. weird things just happened. i managed to open the folders by double clicking on them, then pressing the up arrow of the filemanager, and the contents showed. but after a few times of doing this, the entire thing crashed, a window popped up saying nautilus crashed. i can reopen the filemanager, and all the icons on my desktop disappeared too. can log out either.
  3. ah.heng

    folder can't open in FC3

    nope, it's just a normal folder, no permissions or anything. i have set that particular partition to be a shared drive where all users are allowed to make changes. it's not just 1 particular folder, but a whole bout of them within 1 folder. i'm accessing the folder as the admin, i guess it's the file manager, either that or explorer. not sure the name. here's a screenshot. http://www.project-h.per.sg/img/misc/Screenshot-1.jpg none of the folders in the 'jap' folder can be opened, though the other folders elsewhere work fine.
  4. ah.heng

    folder can't open in FC3

    i have a particular folder on a vfat partition that just won't open. don't really have any other info to provide. it opens fine in windows though. doesn't contain anything except mp3s.