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Everything posted by Corpus_Draconis

  1. Corpus_Draconis

    HELP - XP boot problem !!!!

    k I tried Safe Mode and last good, but what did the rest of your post mean? I've backed up my files and I'm just going to do a format and reinstall.
  2. Corpus_Draconis

    HELP - XP boot problem !!!!

    darn, I was hoping to avoid that. Oh well.
  3. Corpus_Draconis

    HELP - XP boot problem !!!!

    mm. I don't have that problem, I have linux on my comp and it works fine, and I can see my windows files from it, so they are there (Can't write to my windows disk from Linux tho, not even under root... ).
  4. Corpus_Draconis

    HELP - XP boot problem !!!!

    yes. I've tried everything I can remotely understand from the F8 menu.
  5. Corpus_Draconis

    HELP - XP boot problem !!!!

    I have the exact same problem, except my cursor doesn't flash. I tried installing overtop of my old XP, but that didn't work. I did the system restore cuz I tried to install a CD burner but the drivers made the comp unstable, even after I uninstalled the drivers. I really don't want to reinstall my comp again... I just did it 3 weeks ago...