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Everything posted by max_planck735

  1. I'm trying to run Resident Evil 2 on my P4 2.8Ghz, w/ a gig of ram and an NVidia GeForce4 MX 420 video card. The game runs fine at 320x240 resolution, but when I play it at 640x480 the game runs about 70% as fast as it does in 320x240. I've tried all of the configuration options, and nothing seems to help. This seems like an odd problem considering that the system that I'm running the game on is so far above the game's recommended specs. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks
  2. Oddly enough, I found a way to make the game run at normal speed. The solution was: To have a few other programs open and running. If I opened up some file sharing apps and MSN, the game will run fine. If the game is the only thing running, then it runs in slow motion when in 640x480 resolution. Bizarre, but the fix works for me. Hope this helps some people.
  3. Oh yeah the problem persists no matter what windows compatibility mode I run it in (95, 98, xp, etc)