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About gillius28

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  1. gillius28

    Severe texture artifacting! help!

    I have been having this problem for a long time and I need assistance. When I am in a game, and have my graphics set to low settings, it is fine. However, when I crank up the settings to a higher quality, (usually the texture quality that triggers this), all my textures start artifacting. As soon as I change it back, it is fine, meaning the card is not overheating. This problem is running with the following specs: Geforce 4 TI 4600 128mb AGP 4x, Athlon 64 3500+, A8V Deluxe Asus motherboard, 1024mb RAM Crosair. I have tried different sticks of RAM and it is still doesnt work. So it looked like it was the graphics card that was defective. However, I tried this in my old dell computer 1.6ghz, and it worked FINE. My PC hasnt had any other problems that would suggest my motherboard being defective. I have tried around 5 differnet drivers and 2 different Operating systems: Win XP PRO and WIN XP PRO 64-bit. There is also plenty of ventalation in both systems. I am powered by a 470-watt Enermax power supply, so it does not seem to be a power issue. The games I have tried are Counter Strike Source, SWAT 4, Unreal Tournament 2004, Battlefield Vietnam, and Half- Life 2. ALL of these games work at low settings and screw up at higher settings. Below are some screen shots from CS Source of my exact problem... http://img157.echo.cx/my.php?image=dedust200149sw.jpg http://img249.echo.cx/my.php?image=dedust200119ax.jpg And sometimes it was even this bad... http://img249.echo.cx/my.php?image=dedust200070nv.jpg Your assitance will be greatly appreciated! Please feel free to message me on AIM @ gillius28, or just post in this forum. THANKS!
  2. gillius28

    Geforce 4 drivers

    Hello, I recently installed Windows XP Professional 64-bit edition. I have a Geforce 4 Ti 4600 128mb 4x graphics card. I am unable to find any drivers that support both my card and OS. I would appreciate it for you guys to let me know if you know of any drivers that would work for my situation. Please dont hesitate to message me on AIM- gillius28 if you find a driver that will work for me.