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About brussell0

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  1. Actually Dual Boot means that two different operating systems reside on the same machine. Loading to a different logical or physical drive should not matter as the MBR (master boot record) sorts out where the boot drive/directory is. I have only tried it once before with 98 and 2000. I read somewhere that 98 had to have C drive as it's install drive and had to be the first installation. I am not sure if either xp or 2003 has any similar quircks but it would not surprise me. You should have had an installation screen asking about the other os. If your machine does not allow a selection at boot up then your installation did not finish as you said. It sound as if you need to set the first boot device in your bios to the drive you have installed xp on. You may still have the issue with the MBR though. I am interested in this exact same senario as I have a demo version of 2003 server and would like to test the web server function against the xp pro version on the same machine to see if I really need the upgrade. You should look here for info: http://search.microsoft.com/search/results.aspx?st=b&na=88&View=en-US&qu=dual+boot