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About ibshortie

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  1. ibshortie

    Won't see new 2nd drive

    Originally posted by ross_aveling: "By the sound if things your new Seagate drive will be the only device on the secondary IDE channel (cable), so just make sure that you set it's jumper to master." Thank you, you got it, I was thinking the jumper needed to be set for slave because it was my second drive. Today I have learned that the master and slave applies to the channel. Once I switched that everything worked just like it is supposed to. Thanks to everyone who replied.
  2. ibshortie

    Won't see new 2nd drive

    I'm not seeing those options in the bios screen. The only thing that seems to pertain is "drive configuration" under that I choose secondary slave drive and then I have the option of either off or auto.
  3. ibshortie

    Won't see new 2nd drive

    I have a Dell 4600 with a sata hard drive (Maxtor 6Y160M0)I am trying to install a 2nd Segate drive (3200822A) which is just an ata drive. The computer is not seeing the new drive, I have even installed a different drive which I have data on and it will not see that either, it is also ata. I put the Segate drive in a external enclosure and was able to format it so the drive seems to be ok plus the other one I put in I know is good. I have 2 Dvd drive hooked up on the primary cable. I have set the jumper on the Segate to slave and it is connected to the Secondary Ide cable on the end connector. Is there something I need to do with the primary Maxtor sata drive to make this work?