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About romanticnick4eva

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  1. romanticnick4eva

    Compaq presario 700 Series Problem please Help

    i think it may be the bios update can someone explain how to roll back a bios update ????? i have contacted hp they told me to call a service center like best buy etc. i did they said they cant fix it cuase its old and its not from them . So i narrow some choices this like mj said it could be the processer or the mobo or a bios update thanks
  2. romanticnick4eva

    Compaq presario 700 Series Problem please Help

    how do you roll back a bios image
  3. romanticnick4eva

    Compaq presario 700 Series Problem please Help

    anyone got a soloution
  4. romanticnick4eva

    Compaq presario 700 Series Problem please Help

    alot of ppl is saying it gettin over heated i also tried installing linux fedora 4 wont install so i tried changeing hard drives same problem then i changed dvd drives same problem occured . im about to give up my friend mike said it could be the on board video cause i guess he tried installing linux with commands to bypass any errors and the screen messed up like everything was all messed so im about to give up .Here's the list of all the stuff i have done 1. i changed the ram from 128mb to 256mb same problem occured in memtest 86+ 2. THEN TRIED REPLACING HARD DRIVES FROM MY 40GB TO A 1OGB SAME PROBLEM OCCURED 3. TRIED CHANGEING DVD DRIVES 4. THE SYSTEM RUNS VERY HOTT cAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP IM ABOUT TO GIVE UP 5. I TOOK THE DVD DRIVE OUT AND SPRAYD AIR IN THERE AND BLOW IT IN THE FAN ALSO *NOTE THE FAN RUNS QUITE AND WORKS WELL BUT SO HOTT! ALSO 1.I TIRED INSTALLING XP HOME EDITION SAME PROBLEM 2. TRIED INSTALLING 2000 PRO SAME PROBLEM 3. lINUX FEDORE 4 WONT EVEN INSTALL 4. 98 WILL INSTALL BUT HAS ALOT OF SCAN DISKS CHECKS 5. USED THE COMPAQ RESTORE DISKS AND GOT WINDOWS XP HOME EDITION ON THERE FROM THE RESTORE EVERYTIME IT STARTED UP ALWAYS DID CHKDSK 1 OF 3 GOT TO 2 ANDSAID " A SERIOUS ERROR OCCURED " AND RESTARTED GOT INTO WINDOWS AND WINDOWS HAD A ERROR REPORT SAYING WINDOWS HAS RECOVERED A SERIRIOUS ERROR !! iF U CAN HELP PLEASE POST OR SEND ME EMAIL AT NIKESCOMPUTERS@HOTMAIL.COM P.S THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP HOPE WE GET THIS PROBLEM SOVELED
  5. romanticnick4eva

    Compaq presario 700 Series Problem please Help

    memory total : 496mb
  6. romanticnick4eva

    Compaq presario 700 Series Problem please Help

    diffrent problem anyone got any ideas 98 will install fine did memtest said it failed so i bought new mem now the same thing please help i think it may be the processer
  7. romanticnick4eva

    Compaq presario 700 Series Problem please Help

    i bought new mem for it and had the same problem not in mem test well in xp setup trying to setup gettin those errors tried many disks
  8. romanticnick4eva

    Compaq presario 700 Series Problem please Help

    problem found ran memtest and thousand of error's came up and it keeps going
  9. romanticnick4eva

    Compaq presario 700 Series Problem please Help

    my presario 700 has problems installing xp i think it may be a memory problem well here is the log : Error: SXS.DLL:syntax error in manifest or policy file "D:\I386\asms\6000\MSFT\VCRTL\VCRTLMAN" on line 16 === Error: Installation Failed D:\I386\Asms Error Message: A Componet's File does not match the verification information presentsin the Componet manifest ==== Fatal Error: One of the componets that windows need to continue setup could not be installed. ==== Error: SXS.DLL: Syntax error in manifest or policy file "D:\I386\asms\6000\MSFT\VCRTL\VCRTLMAN\" on line 11 == FATAL ERROR: One of the componets that windows needs to continue setup could not be installed A componets file does not match the verification information present in the componets manifest. ====
  10. romanticnick4eva

    Compaq presario 700 Series Problem please Help

    Hi i have a compaq presario 700 the problem with it is everytime i go to install xp,or 2000 on it it always has errors like for example after u format it , it goes to copying istallation files and it will stop at some like this " Setup Cannot Copy File: Modem.sys " .to retry, press enter " and when u press enter same thin i tried changeing disks same thing the dvd drive gets so hott i think it may be gettin overheating but it installs 98 fine when this model is design for xp i dont understand. I tried "Home Edition" and "Professinal Edition" Same thing. The xp i could get on there is off the quick restore cds compaq Provides but when it gets done it seems like it works but u get copy error's like when u install office 2003 it says .inf error stuff like that please help me i would really apperciate . Heres the SPecs of the system : 1ghz AMD Duron Processer 40 gig hard drive 4x dvd drive i believe the one the came with it VIA ProSavage KN133 - AGP 4x SDRAM - 16 MB Max Resolution (external) 1600 x 1200 please help me thanks
  11. romanticnick4eva

    Need Help PLease I would really apperciate it :-)

    Originally posted by katie323: Quote: hey whats up not much just need help read above :-)
  12. romanticnick4eva

    Need Help PLease I would really apperciate it :-)

    Hi there im new to this forum i got a ? I been trying to get games to work on my computer haveing problems with direct x im pretty sure. I wanted to play the movies game and curious george was for my fiance . my specs are here : i got a Asus motherboard its p4s800d-e duluxe with a p4 2.8e prescott processer and BFG 6800 gt OC 256mb video card AGP . With windows xp professinal with service pack 2 Im wondering what should i do every time i try to play a game when i had direct x 9.0c it would go black like u were gonna play the game u only hear sound and thats it UT 2004 works great and it can play videos just not other games. I got 1gb of ddr 500 pc 4000 im running raid 2 200gb hard drives sata im on cable wireless i really would appericate someone's help please email me if you can at romanticnick4eva@hotmail.com heres the direct x log in the attachment . and heres some screen shots of my system : the games that i said above go black then all u can hear is the music no video please help i would really apperciate it thanks please help me and thanks again heres the directx log link please view it : http://rapidshare.de/files/13823663/direct_x_log.txt.html or http://s52.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=20CC7XRTK6P111BTDTIAGCK86S or http://www.uploading.com/?get=UFVGXJXM please take time and view that thanks so much if you can help me
  13. romanticnick4eva

    Dwl-520 D-link wireless card need help?

    how do u add drivers into linux so they will be reconized
  14. romanticnick4eva

    Dwl-520 D-link wireless card need help?

    no it aint i dont know how to edit it so it will work
  15. Hi anyone can help me im very new to linux i installed fedora 4 and i dont know how to add drivers in to linux so it reconizes my dwl-520 rev -b card i read alot of things about it but it dont make since to me so if you can help how to edit the config file please let me know thanks romanticnick4eva@hotmail.com