Hi PeterH and American Zombie
I tried your suggestions and no success:
1. At the Symantec web page - followed all the steps:
* renamed Common Files\Symantec Shared to "Backup"
* backed up NT Home Registry
* ran CCremove.reg program from Symantec web page
* Downloaded Windows Installer Cleanup Utility
and ran it, but none of the listed Symantec or
Norton programs appear in the list of programs that
can be removed.
* downloaded and ran SymNRT. Says that Norton
AntiVirus 2006 is on system and can only be removed
thru Control Panel's Add-Remove Programs.
* Tried Add-Remove Programs, NAV 2006 does not appear.
* Saw LiveUpdate 3 in Add-Remove Programs, and removed
it successfully.
* rebooted again (have rebooted regularly during this
* SymNRT still shows NAV 2006 on system
* Norton installation program for NAV 2004 still says
"We have detected a newer version of NAV and it needs
to be removed in order to install this version. To do
so, click the Add-Remove ..." which leads to the
Control Panel Add-Remove Programs again - and there is
nothing Norton or Symantic related in there.
... endless loop, back where I started.
* Also, I used the NAV_2006b.exe program from Symantic
when I installed NAV 2006. I checked again, and there
is no "remove" or "uninstall" option available.
So once NAV 2006 is on your system, there appear to
be no official or simple or standard way to remove it.
* No meaningful response from Symantic, who did, however
email a day ago asking for logfiles, which I promptly
sent them. No response back yet.
Any other ideas? Suggestions on how to remove Symantec Norton Antivirus 2006 greatly appreciated.
Thanks much