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Everything posted by zaphod2003

  1. Red Alert 2 suddenly stopped working, no new software added, no XP updates, no hardware changes. When I start playing it, when the character talks the games freezes for about 5 seconds and then carries on. Bloody annoying and makes the game unplayable. Yuri's revenge gets as far as the loading screen, batters the hard drive for a bit and then stops responding. I've tried everything. Compatability mode etc etc I have even reinstalled XP and installed RA2 and Yuri before anything else same result. Also, another oddity. When I go on the 'net the RA2 on line site tells me that my version is incompatible. I've done nothing to it. Hell, can't even get the thing to run properly. What gives? Any ideas?
  2. zaphod2003

    Windows XP Problem Red Alert 2 & Yuri Revenge

    Found out the answer! The problem is service pack 2. Red Alert and YUris revenge will not work if service pack is installed. I reformatted the hard installed up to service pack 1 only and Red Alert works fine, albeit takes ages to load but it does work. As soon as I installed Service Pack 2 - bang, it stops working again.
  3. Red Alert 2 suddenly stopped working, no new software added, no XP updates, no hardware changes. When I start playing it, when the character talks the games freezes for about 5 seconds and then carries on. Bloody annoying and makes the game unplayable. Yuri's revenge gets as far as the loading screen, batters the hard drive for a bit and then stops responding. I've tried everything. Compatability mode etc etc I have even reinstalled XP and installed RA2 and Yuri before anything else same result. Also, another oddity. When I go on the 'net the RA2 on line site tells me that my version is incompatible. I've done nothing to it. Hell, can't even get the thing to run properly. What gives? Any ideas?