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About bpedre

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  1. bpedre

    drive image 5.0-somebody...plz help me

    I'm sure you've already resolved your problem by now, but if anyone else runs into this, here's the answer: "Error 57 Cylinder number is too large for BIOS At least one partition on the hard drive extends past 1024 cylinders. PartitionMagic and DriveCopy will be unable to access any partition that crosses that boundary. The only way you will be able to modify a partition crossing this boundary is with an OS/2 executable of the program or by redoing the translation, which would involve backing up all the partitions, deleting them, turning on translation, recreating the partitions and restoring the data. Note: If the drive is larger than 8GB the DOS executable will generally not be able to access anything over the 8GB." I fixed the error by by deleting the partition and recreating it (I used PQMAGIC). You will lose all your data. If you don't want to lose the data back it up before doing this operation.