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Everything posted by Voodoo_in_CostaRica

  1. Voodoo_in_CostaRica

    2 player Starcraft, simplest setup possible

    Hello, I would like to enjoy a few good games of Starcraft Broodwar but I'm not sure what would be the easiest cheapest and most reliable setup possible. I only need to run lan games between 2 laptops running Windows XP. I've been tryin to read posts, googled around, read about switch, IXP, Null modem cable, FSGS ... I am now officially confused about what to do ! Could someone tell me what I need in terms of harware and software? I apologize if this has been dealt with in this forum (I've only seen more specific questions) or if I'm a it out of line since this is not exactly a compatibility issue (yet!!!). If this is too broad a subject, some pointers will be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance for your help Jeremy