Hello all, I'm still relatively new to linux, so forgive me ahead of time.
I've been trying to get a couple different distros of Linux to work on my system and been comming up with some wierd problems. I started with Slackware, and am now using Fedora Core 4.
The problem is, that both flavours don't seem to recognize my USB ports, Integrated Ethernet, or my sound card. Now I know all of these are fully functional because they worked under Windows before hand.
The wierd thing is, when the laptop boots, my USB mouse turns on, and acts normally until it comes to the part where it says "Ok, booting kernel..." then it turns off.
All the hardware is SiS. And the laptop seems to know it exsists, but for some reason can't use them. I'm reeally lost, even my Linux Guru friend couldn't help me, (Not that he tried very hard, thusly is why I am here).