I am receiving a stop error message each time I try to log on. It says that a problem has been detected and windows needs to shut down to protect my computer. It indicates that running a diagnostic memory check might help, or to uninstall any new drivers, software or devices. It also indicates to try changing video adapters. The exact error code is: stop: 0x0000007F (0x0000000D, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000). When this first happened I was only checking email in Outlook. There have been no new devices, software or drivers added. I had the laptop connected to a printer earlier before this happened, but this was not a new printer and worked fine when it was connected, so I dont think the printer driver or device is the cause. I have tried to download a RAM testing file from Microsoft, but I can only run the computer in safe mode, and the CD image wont burn correctly. System restore lost every restore point, so that is not an option. Any suggestions on what this could be before I reformat and get new RAM? Thanks!