Need some info on intanet software packages that could be run on suse enterprise server.
Manage a netware network, approx 1600 users across 3 sites.
Primary user database is therefore NDS/e-directory.
Preparing to install a Novell/SUSE server.
Intranet package must authenticate users from Netware as I'm not interested in managing yet another user database.
That's why I'm looking at running it on netware/suse as there's not much out there that will authenticate users from netware, even using LDAP.
Require an intranet package that is TEACHER friendly. IE- will allow non-technical staff to EASILY maintain a section of an intranet site that relates to their faculty.
Looking for something that provides ability to post :messages,minutes,photo's,links,work req's for studs',threads etc.
Package must manage web pages for them, so all they need to have knowledge of is copy/paste and submit buttons. They are teachers, and anyone who has ever worked with them would know the challenge I face.