I have been trying for several days to build a LiveCD with the DSL (Damn Small Linux) ISO without any luck.
According to what I was told, simply download dsl-1.5.iso, and burn it to a CD, and it will work.
Well, I've tried it 3 different times, and all I got is 3 unuseable CDs.
All they have in the root directory is an INDEX.HTML file and 3 directories:
(1) boot, with subdirectory isolinux, with the following files: boot.cat, boot.msg, f2, f3, german.kbd, isolinux.bin, isolinux.cfg, linux24, logo.16, and minirt24.gz
(2) KNOPPIX, with the file KNOPPIX
(3) lost+found
And even as much a noob as I am, I know there has to be more in the root directory to make it work.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks...