I do not overclock, my pc crashes on games or then using more then one program, or sometimes when windows are loading, and I have only one memory stick.
Ok I got the error
STOP: 0x0000001 (0xFEE7A360, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0xF6D43B94)
ALCXWDM.SYS - Address F6D43B94 base at F6D0E000, DateStamp 42b11dd3
And also where was written that memory dump was complete.
Hi it is my first post so I will trie to describe my problem in best way.
I just build up pc, istalled all windows and all drivers. Windows are loding normaly. My cpu temperature is from 40 to 50 celsius. And then I am runing more then one program o playing game it just restarts with no eror message with nothing. Here is my PC information:
Asus P5ND2 SLI
Pentiun 4 3.6Ghz with 2mb cach
Ram 1GB DDR2 667Mhz
Maxtor SATA 300GB
GeForce XFX 7800GTX OC
Power suplie 550W
I hope someone will help.