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Everything posted by 5trider

  1. Hi, I have recently repartitioned my hard drive which had Windows 2000 to install CentOS. this has worked but i have managed to set it to boot into CentOS by default, not windows which i wanted. How exactly do i alter this?? I thought that I had to edit grub by getting in from the dual boot window (pressing e once you have stopped the boot at the point to choose which way to boot). this gives three options the third of which is for windows. the code visible is (for each option in turn); root(hd0,2) kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.9-22.0.1.EL ro root=/dev/Volgroup00/LogVol00rhgh→initrd /initrd -2.6.9-22.0.1.EL.img root(hd0,2) kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.9-22.EL ro root=/dev/Volgroup00/LogVol00rhgh→initrd /initrd -2.6.9-22.EL.img rootnoverify (hd0,0) chainloader+1 Also I have a problem with my ethernet card which sometimes works fine allowing internet access from CentOS but sometimes it doesn't (It appears inactive and does not respond to PINGing) it always works in windows. It is a 3comm ethernet card but the friend who maintains my computer thinks it is an obscure model that may not be well served by the driver that comes with CentOS?? Finally I want to use a memory stick which appears as drive G in windows without hassle in CentOS but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Do i need to include it in the 'path' and if so how?? You can tell i'm new to this can't you! thanks in anticipation.
  2. 5trider

    help with CentOS grub and other bits...

    Hi, problem with intermittent fault with access to web and e-mail solved by replacing ethernet card with better supported model. Would still love to hear how to use my memory stick since I can't do that at present. Cheers!
  3. 5trider

    help with CentOS grub and other bits...

    Many thanks Danleff your advice was perfect and we now have boot up to Windows as default - result! Right, I'm ready to tackle the memory stick now if you are able to give me some more advice. I would also like to nail down the intermitant fault with the access to web / e-mail which i think is due to the problem with the 'inactive' ethernet card (3c590). looking forward to hearing back from you again. 5trider
  4. 5trider

    help with CentOS grub and other bits...

    Oops! I forgot to say, I don't know how to post the Grub file (maybe because I can't open to edit I can't?). the code I put up before was what I thought was the grub file which I accessed as the dual boot option window came up and I pressed 'e' to edit. If this is the grub file then I have posted what i can see to post! thanks again!
  5. 5trider

    help with CentOS grub and other bits...

    Hi Danleff, thanks for getting back to me. I'm afraid that I don't fully understand what to do... I have located /boot/grub/menu.lst but using emacs I can't open it 'File is not readable /boot/grub/menu.lst' I am logged in as root user so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong! cheers,