Hmm well I'd think halo 2 is a whole lot more fun than half life or half life 2.
Sure, I know using a mouse and a key board is much better. I think the console controler sucks balls but its worth the trouble for a kick ass game like halo 2.
The missions on half life is better than halo, I mean a spartan trying to kill an alien armada and the flood? I mean whats that about? But multi-player on halo really kicks ass! Before I got halo for PC I plyed half life 24/7. I thought Counter-Strike and CS source was the best game ever made or ever will be made. I even thaught halo was a stupid game b/c i never actually plyed it. One day my friend got me to play halo on xbox I just fell in love with it right away. It was so much more fun than CS.
Cs and CS source is, well like a dude walking around then another dude pops out boom he kills him, walks on... boom he kills another guy!... walks on aw... he got killed.
Where as halo is an all out war between 2 sides and all these dudes everywhere running around killed the other team and tanks and warthogs etc. Its non-stop action everywhere.
When I actually got halo for PC I never plyed and half life games at all anymore. Except for once I let my friend borrow it and I got bored so I plyed a little CS Source and I realized how boring it was, I mean "terrorist wins!" "counter terrorist wins!" It was so repetitive!!!
And all those HL2 ppl never plyed halo 2 b/c all they have is a PC. I used to be one of you guys.
And the Console can be good too, I get to relax on my soft comfy couch with a nice refreshing six pack and my stereo turned up to the max with my 54 inch plasma screen TV. And invite a couple of my friends over and tell them to bring their xboxes and TVs and have a kick ass halo 2 night on xbox live. yep, I can have much easier all-nighters like that than sitting 2 feet from my little PC moniter all night/day.
When/If Halo 2 comes out for PC that would be so kick ass! I would be the 1st to buy it. Or when Halo 3 comes out for xbox 360 and i think we can plug a keyboard and a mouse into it, I would never leave my house again. I would have all the pleasures i talked about above and i would be able to use the PC controls.
In the end i just enjoy halo more. It has better graphics, physics, (I love how when a dude drives up in a warthog, u shoot it with a rocket laucher the warthog flips over a few times and the guy gets thrown out of the vehicle dies, and flies like 25 feet in the air. I also like how guns actually shoots a projectile unlike CS where you fire a gun and a little spark instantly appears where u aimed at. On CS you can shoot from like 200 miles away and a bullet hole will appear as soon as you hit the trigger, whats up with that? Yep so i like halo 2 better.
But if you want a better game you should try battlefield 2 =)