Hey guys,
Which package does wlanconfig belong too?
I'm using Fedora Core 4 and trying to get my DWL-G510 wireless dlink up and running.
I've already downloaded
Madwifi and the appropriate kernel module for my kernel from Livna.org via yum.
I wanted to run these steps - by dleon:
6. Type wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta
7. Type iwconfig ath0 essid ANY
8. Type ifconfig ath0 up
9. Type dhclient
but couldn't find wlanconfig... did a 'locate wlanconfig' and did a find / -name wlanconfig
I know its not in my comp.
already did 'modprobe ath_pci' and its loaded (lsmod)
Anyone know where i can find 'wlanconfig'?