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About cheprofessor

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  1. I have a windows xp system (/dev/hda) and a 250 Gig /dev/hdb on which I tried to install FC 4 - It installed FC 4 OK (so I thought) - when it installed GRUB, I asked it to put is on /dev/hda (MBR) (I know, perhaps I should not have) - at the very end of the installation, there was one complaint (forgot what it was) - yet the message was "installation complete" - reboot after taking the disk out - I did I get grub> A text screen I figured out rootnoverify (hd0,1) chainloader +1 boot gets me into windows xp BUT I cannot boot FC4!! root (hd1,1) kernel /vmlinuz /initrd root=/dev/hdb3 boot (Using linux rescue, I created softlinks for vmlinuz and initrd from vmlinuz-etc-etc) kernel panics on the root directory (which is /dev/hdb3, I checked using linux rescue) I mean ... Why did I not get the "nice" GRUB interface? (arrow down/up to choose what you want) (I had that with FC3) (System - Dell/sorry - do not have all details) (Oh, for GRUB I did not have any option for LBA (?) (pass options during boot?) (should I have? Was not necessary for FC3) (Am I confused or what!)