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Everything posted by Cezar

  1. Cezar

    Warhammer 40k Chaos Gate on XP - help?

    I was able to emulate a win98 system with microsft virtual PC 2004. The game works now perfect, no problems with starting and no crashes. Here is a link to get some files need to get win98 running. http://vpc.essjae.com/default.htm Also it is needed to download the microsoft VPC program and a win98 iso (the VPC reads only .iso format). The VPC can use also a virtual cd for eg. created with demon tools, so other formats can be used too. PER MORTIS AD GLORIA
  2. Cezar

    Warhammer 40k Chaos Gate on XP - help?

    Did someone try to repair the crash that occurs in the third misson (assault the chaos firebase)when u kill a chm located at the lower left corner of the base ?? I tried to use the editor and delete the trigger but it didn't work (the crash still occured), later i deleted the whole chm squad (u can't delete a single chm) but when i loaded my save and entered the combat map the chm was still there (I saved the map after making the adjustments and used the same filename). PPL, please share your thoughts with me and help to solve this prob. PS I'll try to get a virtual machine with win98 up and running to play the game, wonder if it helps...