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Everything posted by damianp

  1. Hi all, I've been getting this problem with my desktop pc for around a year now and it's slowly driving me mad. Being a newbie, I've only just discovered the application popup with event id 26 in the event log and so have only just come across this page. I have suspected a power supply problem because it seems to happen more often when I'm accessing a drive or an unpowered usb device, and especially after cold startup. I've recently bought a laptop and found an event id 26 with application popup in the event log when the low battery warning came on. Not sure if this adds evidence to my theory of a power supply problem with my desktop pc - perhaps someone might know something about this?? Also when looking at my motherboard, there seems to be a row of components that have rust coming out the top of them!! There are a line of 6 of these components just beneath the fan and they say 6.3v on them. This cannot be healthy! Dunno if this is related to this problem? Once it's warmed up a bit my computer runs well so I don't really want to get a new one yet. Hope somebody who is in the know can shed some light on this. Many thanks in advance. System info:- Processor - AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Motherboard - Jetway V333/V333pro Mainboard - KT333-8235 Chipset - VIA VT8366/A,Vt8367 Apollo KT266/A,KT333 Video adapter - Nvidia Geforce4 TI 4600